Emeritus Professor
- Tsang-Hai Kuo, Professor
- Education: Carnegie Mellon University, Ph D
- Expertise: Partial Differential Equations
- Zong-Wu Jian, Distinguished Professor
- Education: National Chengchi University Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Doctor of National Literature
- Expertise: Cifu, Novel
- Kuan-Chung Huang, University Chair Professor
- Education: Doctor of History, National Taiwan University
- Expertise: Song history, Social history, Military history, Political and cultural hi story, History of Sino-Korea relations, Edition documents
- E–mail ::huangkc@asihp.net
- Hua-Bi Zeng, Distinguished Professor
- Education: Master of Education, Harvard University
- Expertise: Environmental history, environmentalism and globalization, technology and society, culture and social changes
- E–mail ::hptseng1113@gmail.co m
- Mei-Ching Lin, Distinguished Professor
- Education: National Chengchi University, Ph.D
- E–mail :ching@mail.cgu.edu.tw
- Ji-Lin Yang, Associate Professor
- Education:PhD in International Relations, State University of New York
- Expertise: American cultural studies, translation studies, international politics, American foreign policy
- E–mail :yangc@mail.cgu.edu.tw
- Yun-Ju Chiu, Associate Professor
- Education:PhD in Physics, National Taiwan Normal University
- Expertise: Physics curriculum and teaching, science education, learning theor y
- E–mail :yjchiu@mail.cgu.edu.tw
- Ren-Shen Lee, Professor
- Education: PhD in chemical, National Tsing Hua University
- Expertise: Organic Synthesist
- E–mail :shen@mail.cgu.edu.tw
- Gua-Guo Pan, Professor
- Education: PhD in Physics, Florida State University
- Expertise :Theoretical Solid State Physics, Statistical Physics, Computational Physics
- E–mail :pankk@mail.cgu.edu.tw
- Ta-Wei Shih, Instructor
- Education: MBA, National Changhua University of Education
- Expertise: Computer Science, Information Management
- E–mail :dawei@mail.cgu.edu.tw